Creative Media Design


According to eMarketer, 25% of people who see a ad on social media, will then respond by visiting the store or website. And between 14 – 17% will ultimately convert by purchasing a product or service.

Our Method


In a world where everyone is busy, one has to stand out and make a difference.

We seek out new ideas and open new doors for growth because creativity has no limits; our team has its own core of Artistry acquired from years of experience and learnings which when blended together results in creative masterpieces.

We work with you to avoid all the common design pitfalls.

Together we will create a custom design that not only looks great and clearly gets your message across to your customers, it will also save you time & money.

Our goal is to help you dominate your market by studying your market.

We will analyze the needs of your customers and make an impact on the market by setting up a creative design plan and implementing it.

Brands need to have thumb-stopping creativity in everything they do.

In today’s landscape of all things mobile and digital, the cry out for people’s time is more powerful than it’s ever been.

As business owners, you can scream from the rooftops, as loud and as often as you’d like, and long for someone to hear you over the sea every other splashing marketer.

Or you can let Simba 7 Media ensure that you can capture your audience’s attention by allowing us to design our intuitive and creative work.

But it doesn’t stop there, we will also start engaging with your audience in a meaningful and intentional style by appealing to their hearts and desires.

It’s a matter of being real, valuable, and honest versus being louder.

Pretty simple decision, don’t you think?

We help your business get attention and then we help you turn that attention into profit.